Dental Implants

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Why should I always replace my missing tooth?
What is an implant?
When shall I get my teeth after the surgery?
What implant-supported tooth replacement options are available?

Why should I always replace my missing tooth?

Your teeth affect your whole body. When they’re healthy, you’re healthier too. A missing tooth can affect your bite, speech and eating choices. As you rely more on your remaining teeth, you increase the chance they will wear out prematurely, or be damaged or lost. You may also experience headaches and/or jaw pain.

Who would want their appearance and health to deteriorate? That’s the natural consequence of missing teeth – the jaw literally melts away. Generally, people will lose 25% of their supporting jawbone structure within the first year after tooth loss. Dental implants are more easily placed when teeth are first extracted because bone replacement becomes more complex as time passes. The great news? Implants act just like your natural teeth. They safeguard and preserve your bone structure, oral health and appearance. Dr Gaumet will provide you with options so that you can make the most informed decision concerning tooth replacement.

What is an implant?

A natural tooth has two main components: the crown, which is the visible part of the tooth, and the root, which is the part of the tooth lodged in the jaw bone under the gum.

When inserted into the jaw bone, the dental implant acts as the artificial root only. It is very often in the shape of a screw and is made of titanium. The implant alone does not replace the whole missing natural tooth; an abutment must be placed on the implant after it has been inserted into the jaw bone. Depending on the number of teeth to be replaced, an artificial crown, denture or bridge will be manufactured and installed on the abutment.

What is the placement procedure like?

The procedure to place a dental implant takes 30 to 60 minutes for one implant and only 2 to 3 hours for multiple implants. The number of appointments and time required, vary from patient to patient. The surgeon will bring great precision and attention to the details of your case.

Prior to surgery, you may receive antibiotics and for greater comfort, intravenous sedation or nitrous oxide (laughing gas). These options are discussed with you at your consultation appointment. A local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area where the dental implant will be placed.

Then, using special instruments, Dr. Gaumet creates the lodging for the titanium implant before it is gently inserted. On some occasions, the top of the implant is visible right away through the gum. Most of the time though, it is better in the early stages of healing to have the implant covered completely by the gum tissue.

When shall I get my teeth after the surgery?

Now the healing begins. The length of which varies from person to person, depending upon the quality and quantity of bone. In some cases, implants may even be restored immediately after they are placed. Dr Gaumet will advise you on follow-up care and timing, as well as whether you are a candidate for “immediate” tooth restoration. After healing has occurred, the implant will be fitted with a healing cap during a brief follow-up visit. This allows gum tissue to complete maturation and provides access to the implant.

After at least a week, you are ready for the restorative phase of your treatment. Specialized impressions are taken and your teeth are manufactured in the laboratory using a replica of your mouth and implants. Several visits may be required to obtain an ideal fit and excellent aesthetic result of the final prosthesis. This phase must be completed with great precision and attention to detail. To achieve this, we work with top notch technicians and ceramists. We also have an on-site lab that will make the whole process more confortable for you.

Sometimes, It may be beneficial to perform a soft tissue graft to obtain stronger and natural appearing gum tissue in the area around the implant. This process involves moving a small amount of gum tissue from one part of your mouth to the area around the implant. Most often, it is a brief and relatively comfortable procedure.

Whether it’s one tooth or all of your teeth that are being replaced, Dr Gaumet or your restorative dentist will complete the job by fitting the replacement teeth onto the abutment, that’s been secured to the implant with a screw.

In general, once your implants are placed, you can expect your tooth replacement treatment to be completed anywhere from 3-6 months.

What implant-supported tooth replacement options are available?

There is a variety of options!

Single crown

It is an alternative to the old conventional bridge which was permanently fixed to the filed down adjacent natural teeth. Unlike bridges, no healthy teeth are damaged.
An implant-supported crown is the most permanent, reliable and long-term solution for the replacement of one or more teeth. Unlike conventional bridge, the implant-supported crown can stay for a lifetime. Hygiene is also facilitated. In addition, the crown mounted on an implant can easily be repaired if for some reason, it becomes damaged.


Implant-supported bridges are used to replace at least 3 teeth and as much as a full dental arch.
The implant-supported bridge is used when the teeth on each side of the edentulous space are not healthy enough to support a conventional bridge or in those cases where too many teeth are missing to be able to attach a traditional bridge.

*To restore a full dental arch with a bridge, a minimum of 4 to 6 implants is required. The number of implants needed is mostly influenced by the jawbone density and availability.

TEETH-IN-a-day™ is an amazing concept providing patients with fully functioning teeth on dental implants in a single procedure that takes about a day. This procedure was developed through major advances in technology, knowledge, and experience. After your initial consult, you’ll arrive in the morning at our clinic. Any bad teeth are removed and implants are gently placed. Our on site dental lab will then make your new teeth while you relax. Later in the afternoon, your new teeth are fitted securely in place. You can enjoy dinner that same evening with new, fixed, solid teeth.


• Another approach involves placing four to six implants. The implants are then connected with a custom-made support bar. Your denture will be made with special internal retention clips that attach onto the support bar, enabling the denture to snap firmly into place. The advantage of this option is that stability is excellent when compared to a conventional denture, and allows very little movement. Your denture is still removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.

• Typically, patients enjoy faster treatment time. Your replacement teeth can be attached to your implants immediately after insertion. Upper jaw overdentures do not cover the palate, making them less bulky. They do not impede speech nor alter the taste of food.

• It is worth noting that this option is in some cases more aesthetically pleasing than the complete fixed bridge, especially on the upper jaw.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

To know if you’re a candidate for dental implants, please contact us today for an in-person evaluation.

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